To raise people passionately committed to the advancement of God’s Kingdom by first giving of themselves to the LORD and the resources entrusted in their hands to his work
Partner with God
Kingdom Partners
In view of the various projects embarked upon by the ministry; there is need to build a storehouse of resources in anticipation of the day-to-day demands of the work. The ministry is saddled with a huge task of carrying out humanitarian, social, structural and Community projects, hence the need to create this platform to accommodate these needs that are outside the divine assignment.
We have a vision of raising strong Kindgom pillars. We aim to raise people passionately committed to the advancement of God’s Kingdom by first giving of themselves to the LORD and the resources entrusted in their hands to His work.
Our Commitments
To effectively mobilize and deploy resources for the building of a Ministry where the weak become strong for an active participation in the Ministry of the Word and Prayers through
- Missions and Outreaches
- Church Planting and Support
- Welfare and Helps Community
- Development Initiatives
- Christian Social Responsibility
Our Resonsibility to our Partners
The partners are persons who have shared vision with the leadership of the Ministry in ensuring that the mandate of the LORD committed to him towards building a strong and sanctified people for the Master is actualized. Our responsibilities therefore are outlined as follows:
- Develop and Manage a database of partners
- Organize events for partners such as partners conferences and gala dinner.
- Periodic articles and newsletters posted on the website for partners.
- Prayer requests and partners’ welfare
- Reporting and audit of funds from partners
Becoming a Partner
Becoming a Kingdom partner requires a sacrificial commitment from each partner to first give themselves to God through a consecrated living and lifestyle. We believe that every act of generousity must be channelled from right and honest living. Every committed partner must be intentional and Spirit-driven. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure the mandate and ministry given to God’s servant, Pastor Olawumi Emmanuel Sunday is upheld in prayers, that the work of God may continually advance. We desire volunteered time and skill to fit the needs that arise in-house and commitment from financial resources on periodic basis as each partner is able. Here attached is a detailed form for potential partners to fill with their information, after which a unique membership number will be assigned to each partner so they can, from time to time, be updated with relevant information from the ministry and with respect to their membership status. Robust communication will be established between each partner and the ministry to receive notifications about all our events and outreaches as we progress.